Game of Thrones, and its characters, continue to circulate through popular culture. With the recent release of the prequel House of the Dragon, the original series has only grown in popularity, receiving more views upon the prequel's release.

There are many characters that continue to have an influence on fans, including Daenerys Targaryen's husband Khal Drogo. Despite the fact that Drogo only lived up until the end of the first season, he continued to be a memorable character that had an influence on the show even after his death. These memes sum up his character throughout the series.

10/10 The Dothraki Approve

Meme about how the Dothraki would react to the Red Wedding. 

Source: Twitter

At the wedding of Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo, it was mentioned that a Dothraki wedding is considered dull if there aren't at least three deaths. This meme connects this cultural reference with that of the infamous Red Wedding, during which Robb Stark, his wife, and his mother were all murdered.

In this scene of Game of Thrones, viewers can clearly see that Drogo is entertained by the fighting that is taking place during his wedding. So, while there's no denying Khal Drogo is a fan favorite character, he was also one of the most brutal characters.

9/10 His Power

Meme about Robert Baratheon talking about the Dothraki fighting in Game of Thrones. 

Source: Me.Me

Daenerys Targaryen learns to appreciate and even embrace the Dothraki people and their savagery, though she does try to make a few humane changes once she takes control of the warriors. This meme references the fear of the Dothraki with the reality of facing the hoard in battle.

Khal Drogo knew how fearsome his hoard was. Though he didn't initially take an interest in helping the Targaryens take back the Iron Throne, it was a choice based on tradition rather than fear. After his wife is threatened by King Robert, he makes a bold declaration to cross the Narrow Sea, confident his hoard could stand against the Westerosi army.

8/10 The King's Golden Crown

Meme about Drogo killing Viserys in Game of Thrones. 

Source: Twitter

There's no doubt that what Drogo did to Viserys demonstrated how brutal he could be. However, it also proved that Drogo was far more intelligent than noblemen, like Viserys, believed.

In the scene when Drogo pours melted gold over Viserys' head, the Khal is proving he's intelligent and respectful of his culture. Since the Dothraki cannot spill blood in their sacred city, he uses a method to kill the wannabe king in a way that wouldn't spill blood but still get the job done.

7/10 The Mighty Warrior

Meme about Drogo dying from a scratch in Game of Thrones. 

Source: 9gag

Khal Drogo was a famous leader within the Dothraki culture, known for never being defeated in battle. Therefore, it's no surprise that he doesn't back down when one of his warriors challenges him to a duel.

It's this duel in which he gets a scratch that gets infected, leading to his death. The witch who saves Drogo is responsible for Daenerys' early descent into madness, causing the death of her unborn child and leaving Drogo in a vegetative state. This meme not only addresses the ridiculous nature of Drogo's demise but points out that even the fiercest warriors weren't invincible.

6/10 The Mighty Scratch

Meme about Drogo's death in Game of Thrones. 

Source: Reddit

Many fans believe Game of Thrones would have had a different outcome had Drogo not been taken down by a small scratch. It's clear that Drogo's death was an unavoidable event, essentially for Daenerys' rise as a powerful political figure.

However, this meme expresses how annoying it was to see the powerful Khal Drogo die by something so mundane. Other central characters, who hadn't grown up in such a violent culture, survived far worst assaults. It would have done justice to the character to at least see him die in battle.

5/10 Like No Other Khal

Meme comparing Khal Drogo to Khal Moro.

Source: Reddit

Even after Khal Drogo's death, he continued to have an influence on the perception of the Dothraki characters. Khal Drogo's appreciation of Daenerys' strength is a stark comparison to the way in which Khal Moro treats her in season 6.

This meme points out the comparison between the two Khals. While Daenerys cared for her husband even after his death, she found the other Khals of the Dothraki weak and unfit to lead the warriors. Therefore, it doesn't seem dishonorable to her husband when she executes the other leaders of the Dothraki.

4/10 Dedication

Meme about Daenerys rejecting every other man after Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones. 

Source: Twitter

The saddest Daenerys scene is when Drogo dies, leaving her without someone by her side and yet still determined to take back the Seven Kingdoms. Though she seems to get over Drogo's death, she continues to reject all other admissions of love up until her relationship with Jon Snow.

Though Drogo is long dead at this point, this still represents his character and the influence he had on his wife. Their relationship was something so influential to her, though short-lived, that she hardly considered love before she found someone else that complimented her personality.

3/10 A Stark Comparison

Meme about Jon Snow and Khal Drogo. 

Source: Twitter

Had Khal Drogo lived longer in the series, fans have to wonder what would have become of the alliance between Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. While he respected his Khaleesi, he likely would have been a more dominant figure in the war against the Lannisters.

This meme points out how people viewed Jon in comparison to Khal Drogo. While Jon Snow was one of the top fan-favorite characters, there was something impressive about Drogo that lingered with the audience even after his death.

2/10 The Performance

Meme about Jason Momoa playing Khal Drogo and then playing Aquaman. 

Source: Twitter

One cannot talk about the intricate character of Khal Drogo without mentioning the actor that portrayed him so well. Though Drogo didn't have a significant amount of lines, the scenes he was in left a lasting impact on the audience.

One of the dumbest decisions Daenerys made was trusting the witch that led to Drogo's demise, but before that point, Jason Momoa did an exceptional job portraying this warrior. This meme addresses the fact that the audience was upset about his early exit, but can still look forward to Momoa's other epic roles.

1/10 Moon Of His Life

Meme about Game of Thrones fans forgetting about Khal Drogo. 

Source: Reddit

When it comes to the complicated, and somewhat disturbing, relationship between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, some fans seem to forget that one of her strongest motivations for power was the loss of her beloved husband.

Khal Drogo was an influential, memorable character for several reasons. He may have only lived through a single season of this eight-season series, but he continued to have an influence on one of the central characters up until the end. Had Daenerys not been a part of his Khalsar, and he hadn't loved her enough to let her strive for power other Khaleesis was not granted, she likely would not have had such an influence on the Dothraki.

Next: Game Of Thrones Seasons Ranked, According To Their IMDb Average