What Does Pff Stand for in Texting
Ngureco is a researcher with a background in math and natural sciences and an interest in Internet culture.

Need an FAQ for some common slang terms you see online? We've got you covered, FWIW.
Photo by Kirill Shavlo on Unsplash; Canva
BRB, LMAO, THX, NP: What Do They Stand For?
I was very curious about the meaning of all the acronyms and slang terms that I kept seeing on the Internet, like the ones above. I got answers from many people, and I thank them for their input. Now I understand what tons of these terms mean, and I would like to share my list here with new Internet users who may find themselves with the same problem I experienced.
List of Internet Slang and Acronyms
Below, I have included a list of Internet slang that covers everything from AFK to YMMV (and beyond). These terms are commonly used by many people online and in texts. Feel free to comment on any other slang that you may have used/noticed and that has not been included in this list. TY and YW!
Term | Meaning |
1 | One or exclamation mark (as in "!!1!!") |
2 | To, too, or two |
4 | For or four |
A3 | Anywhere, Anytime, Anyplace |
AA | Alcoholics Anonymous |
AAB | Average At Best |
AAF or A&F | Always And Forever |
AAK | Alive And Kicking |
AAMOF | As A Matter Of Fact |
AAP | Always A Pleasure |
AAR | At Any Rate |
AAYF | As Always, Your Friend |
ABD | Already Been Done |
ABH | Actual Bodily Harm |
ABN | *sshole By Nature |
ABT | Absolutely |
ABT | About |
ADM | All Day Long |
ADMIN | Administrator |
ADN | Any Day Now |
AEAE | And Ever And Ever |
AEAP | As Early As Possible |
AFAIAC | As Far As I Am Concerned |
AFAIC | As Far As I'm Concerned |
AFAICS | As Far As I Can See |
AFAICT | As Far As I Can Tell |
AFAIK | As Far As I Know |
AFAIR | As Far As I Remember |
AFAP | As Far As Possible |
AFC | Away From Computer |
AFD | All F***ing Day |
AFK | Away From Keyboard |
AFT | About F***ing Time |
AGW | All Going Well |
Aight | Are you alright? |
Aight | Yo |
ALOL | Actually Laughing Out Loud |
ANY1 | Anyone |
AYSOS | Are You Stupid Or Something? |
B | Be |
B4 | Before |
BB | Bye Bye |
BB | Baby |
BBIAB | Be Back In A Bit |
BBL | Be Back Later |
BBS | Be Back Soon |
BD | Big Deal |
BRB | Be Right Back |
BRB | Bathroom Break |
BRT | Be Right There |
BTW | By The Way |
C | See |
CSWS | Can't Stop, Won't Stop |
CU | See you. |
CUL | See you later. |
Cuz | Because |
CYA | See you. |
CYS | Check Your Settings |
Da | The |
Dat | That |
Der | There |
DIAF | Die In A Fire |
Dunno | Don't know |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FOAD | F*** Off And Die |
FTL | For The Loss |
FTL | For The LOLs |
FTUW | For The Uber Win |
FTW | For The Win |
FWIW | For What It's Worth |
FYI | For Your Information |
G2G or GTG | Got To Go |
GAL | Get A Life |
GFY | Good For You |
GG | Good Game |
GG | Good Going |
GIYF | Google Is Your Friend |
Gonna | Going to |
HAND | Have A Nice Day |
HS | Holy Sh*t! |
HTH | Hope This Helps |
IACL | I Am Currently Laughing |
IANAL | I Am Not A Lawyer |
IANARS | I Am Not A Rocket Scientist |
IC | I see. |
ICYDK | In Case You Didn't Know |
IDGI | I Don't Get It |
IDK | I Don't Know |
Iggy | Igloo |
IIRC | If I Recall Correctly |
ILY or ILU | I Love You |
IMHO | In My Honest/Humble Opinion |
IMNSHO | In My Not-So-Honest/Humble Opinion |
IMO | In My Opinion |

If you get a message like this, your chat is probably over for a while.
Photo by Daria Shatova on Unsplash; Canva
More Terms and Their Full Forms
Term | Meaning |
IRL | In Real Life |
ITT | In This Thread |
IYDMMA | If You Don't Mind Me Asking |
JJ | Just Joking |
JK | Just Kidding |
JOOC | Just Out Of Curiosity |
JP | Just Playing |
K | Okay |
KK | Okay, cool/kewl. |
KL | Cool/kewl/kool |
Kwl | Cool/kewl/kool |
L8r | Later |
LLAH | Laughing Like A Hyena |
LMAO | Laughing My *ss Off |
LMFAO | Laughing My F*cking *ss Off |
LOL | Laughing Out Loud |
LQTM | Laughing Quietly To Myself |
M8 | Mate |
MYOB | Mind Your Own Business |
NLS | Not Life Safe |
NOYB | None Of Your Business |
NP | No Problem |
NSFW | Not Safe For Work |
NVM | Never mind |
NWS | Not Work Safe |
O | Oh |
O3 | Out Of Office |
OGC | Man j*cking off (look at it sideways) |
OIC | Oh, I see. |
OJ | Only Joking |
OMG | Oh My God/Goodness! |
OOC | Out Of Character |
OP | Original Poster/Post |
OT | Off Topic |
PEBKAC | Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair |
Pic | Picture |
PITA | Pain In The *ss |
Pix | Pictures |
Plz or pls | Please |
PMSL | Pissed/Pissing Myself Laughing |
POS | Piece Of Sh*t |
PPL | People |
PTTL | Pop To The Loo |
RL | Real Life |
ROFL | Rolling On the Floor Laughing |
ROFLMAO | Rolling On the Floor Laughing My *ss Off |
ROFLMAOL | Rolling On the Floor Laughing My *ss Out Loud |
Shudda | Should have |
SMH | Shaking My Head |
SMH | So Much Hate |
SO | Significant Other |
SOS | Same Old Sh*t |
Soz or srry | Sorry |
SSDD | Same Sh*t, Different Day |
STFW | Search The F*cking Web |
Sup | What's up? |
Sup homes | What's up, friend? |
SWW | Sorry, Wrong Window (means you were typing in the wrong box) |
Thnx | Thanks |
Tho | Though |
TIA | Thanks In Advance |
TTFN | Ta Ta For Now |
TTYL | Talk To You Later |
TTYT | Talk To You Tomorrow |
TY | Thank You |
TYT | Take Your Time |
U | You |
W8 | Wait |
Wanna | Want to |
WB | Welcome Back |
WD | Well Done |
WDUWTA? | What do you want to talk about? |
Wile | While |
WOOT | We Own the Other Team |
WTH? | What The Hell? |
WURSC | Wow, you are so cool. |
Wut | What |
YCM | You Copied Me |
Ye | Yeah/yes |
YMMV | Your Mileage May Vary |
Yo | Hey or your |
YSVW | You're So Very Welcome |
YW | You're Welcome |
ZZZ | Sleeping or bored |
Why Do People Use Internet Slang?
I learned that these terms were coined and popularized to save time on keystrokes. The acronyms are also used in text messages, emails, blogs, forums, imageboards, and instant messages, as well as on social networking sites such as Facebook.
Memes Evolve by Natural Selection
Some Internet slang will also develop not just for the sake of saving time, but also to identify members of various social internet groups. Members will repeatedly use an acronym (a common typing error that is eventually turned into slang, for example), and then it will catch on in the World Wide Web as slang. When usage develops this way, the memes are evolving by natural selection, much like in biological evolution.
Internet Slang Is a New Language Developing
While the use of these terms saves time for the writer, it may take more than twice as much time for the reader to understand what the writer is trying to say. However, that may be changing: Today, young people are using this slang not only in written communication, but also in spoken communication. This is a sure sign of the development of a brand new language.
More About Internet Language
- What LMAO Means! OMG, ROFL, BRB, AFAIK, BFF, SMH, NP, IMO, & More!
LMAO stands for "laughing my ass off", but did you know there are other acronyms and abbreviations that mean other things? Learn the meaning of LMAO, other internet slang, and acronyms used in text messaging. - Dictionary of Internet Slang Phrases and Abbreviations
Get the latest news on words that are used and broken down to communicate on text and messenger apps so that you can fit in with all your friends
Amelia on July 04, 2020:
Thx.Now, I understand that what my friends are saying!!!
Lol doll on April 23, 2020:
Lmao means laughing my **s off
Lol= laughing out loud
M8= mate
ʀᴏsᴇ on April 10, 2020:
This site was so amazing!
Now I know lots of slang that I can use on my friends. Thanks a lot
mads on April 05, 2020:
what is a HTML??? just wanna know
Kim on January 11, 2020:
This really helped my friends understand what I was saying better cuz They didn't know how to abbreviate every word
Riza on December 08, 2019:
ty- thankyou
jazmine on August 13, 2019:
thx this is helpng me a lot
nou on June 24, 2019:
thx now ik what does lmao stand for
slitamya on April 18, 2019:
For thank you or thanks alot of people use thx
Amber on January 14, 2019:
thank you!
Tierny on December 24, 2018:
@Nadiella tysm means "thank you so much" jsyn
apg13\ on December 03, 2018:
LIB= Link In Bio
Jason Phúc Rey on October 22, 2018:
echo on October 06, 2018:
dem derps on September 04, 2018:
there are tons more thats just like a quarter of them
appollo on August 14, 2018:
IMHO - in my humble opinion
Romaric Azongbetterboy on July 03, 2018:
I Like Dis Slangs But Many Ppl Aight Aware Of It Yet.
tristan on June 20, 2018:
@radman pff does not stand for anything it means "I don't believe you"
Ash on May 07, 2018:
Philip, STFU is Shut The F*ck Up
johnny on May 05, 2018:
what is lmao
Philip on April 23, 2018:
what is STFU?
Philip Morgan on April 10, 2018:
Twaz of gr8 help
radman on March 15, 2018:
any one know what the meaning of pff??
pagx on March 14, 2018:
whats FSK
wat on March 09, 2018:
afk is away from keyboard, lol is laugh out loud
Vanessa on January 30, 2018:
I love this app i love the meanings thank you so much for the person who made this
mahi jacqui queen on December 18, 2017:
Thanks ppl
Maruko on November 30, 2017:
Please help me!!
What's the meaning of "AFK"?
Nadiella on November 16, 2017:
Dis rlly help me out! So now i can understand what are the mean of the word tysm for it!
vishesh singh on October 23, 2017:
What is meaning of Missed AF
ngureco (author) on October 11, 2017:
'AFK' is 'Away from Keyboard'.
Iqra on October 11, 2017:
What is the meaning of Afk
Nester on October 10, 2017:
What does Cruz mean. Help me guys
Mrs40sHistoryBuff on August 29, 2017:
Either this was added since I saw this list several months ago, or I missed it the first time, but how in the world does "OGC" become "man j*cking off"??
There's only one letter common to both, and they are at opposite ends of their respective placement!
Anybody have any ideas?
June on August 21, 2017:
What's tbo
sly on August 20, 2017:
What is ndo
sheena on August 18, 2017:
hah thx
Oscar on August 16, 2017:
OP means overpowered
Noyonika on August 13, 2017:
What's the meaning of thr
mr Adesanoye damilola on August 02, 2017:
iiiStarShooter on July 25, 2017:
Wow, Thank You!
Only Some I Knew..
(Ooc: Out Of Character)
(Lmao: Laughing My A** Off)]
(And Some Others, Etc)
Greg on May 30, 2017:
DOM - Don't Come Monday
TGIF - Thank God It's Friday
A3 - AnyTime, AnyPlace AnyWhere is from a British advert for Martini - So the order has meaning in the UK
IMHO - In My 'Humble' Opinion
Guillaum on May 21, 2017:
Wow so cute.... Thanks so much.... Thumps up
Melanie Palen from Midwest, USA on May 17, 2017:
Awww, I had answered your question with a brand new hub, but it appears to have been deleted as an answer. Was wondering if you know what happened?
random person on May 13, 2017:
useful :)))
Christian on March 24, 2017:
Thanks a lot for this meanings haha
Allan Kashoro on March 22, 2017:
Terrific explanations
NEINHITER1942 on March 10, 2017:
Where is OOL? (Out Of Level)?
Or NFS (Need For Speed)
or FM (Forza Motorsport)
or other things that only X group might said
Neus on February 18, 2017:
Great job. Thank you so much!
Random on February 10, 2017:
XD COOL DOG 4 Realz All slang today! I cant do no party without this slang dictionary
ngureco (author) on January 03, 2017:
PFF: Playing For Fun
PFF: Prioritize, Focus and Follow-up
SSS on January 02, 2017:
What's the meaning of "PFF"
it might be "Perfect full f**k" ?
nr55 on December 08, 2016:
Gr8 listing - like it lots, many many I have never heard off - and some I will definitely use.
Cunning - you put Afk in the header but didn't define it?
One you missed - similar to PEBKAC - PICNIC - Problem In Chair Not In Computer
and confusingly LOL is also used for Lots of Love - can be dangerous if user and or reader don't know the other meaning.
ngureco (author) on December 01, 2016:
Let It Be.
Gladys on December 01, 2016:
What does lib stand for?
once on October 01, 2016:
you forgot TBH which stands for to be honest.
DB on July 07, 2016:
Many of these predate the internet.
John Mickel Almeñe on July 06, 2016:
Amazing just like a wiki. thanks a lot
Mrs40sHistoryBuff on June 13, 2016:
I'm not going to read through several hundred posts to see if these things have already been addressed, so apologies to whomever may be annoyed if this duplicates their concerns....
You listed "AFK" on the headline and the lead-in to your Hub, but in your dictionary it's never addressed. In my 16 years of keyboarding experience online - yes, since 1999 and all the Y2K hubbub - AFK has always meant "Away From Keyboard." Usually indicating an anticipated absence longer than would be covered by a simple "BRB."
The other point I wanted to make is that a few of these have histories that go way back before the internet. Most especially, the entry you have of "MYOB" or "Mind Your Own Business." That's been a "verbal" shortcut for ALAIR! I remember hearing adults use that amongst themselves when I was a kid. And since that was about FIVE decades ago, plus a little, that should give you some idea of its longevity.
Otherwise, pretty good resource for those new to the craft! HAGD!
paulr6453 on May 31, 2016:
you forgot WYSIWYG.... what you see is what you get
Eileen from Western Cape , South Africa on May 16, 2016:
I use these sometimes but good to know the meaning .... has to bookmark this!
Arpit.. on January 02, 2016:
Good one ...
Complete the demand of social need..
dimple on December 15, 2015:
F off is more comfortable word i guess for f**k off..
Thanusha on December 15, 2015:
Thankyouu So Much
zachary on December 07, 2015:
right now i will understand about internet slang
Johnf618 on October 01, 2015:
Hi there! I could have sworn I've been to this blog before but after checking through some of the post I realized it's new to me. Nonetheless, I'm definitely happy I found it and I'll be bookmarking and checking back frequently! agefecaddekf
evelina on September 03, 2015:
great texting I know some of these ! :D
ngureco (author) on August 28, 2015:
That's right, Sher.
"ktxbi" is used in slang texting meaning = okay thanks bye.
Akeem on July 03, 2015:
Seriously This Make Me Beta Thnx!
shanu on May 21, 2015:
i was searching for ROFL........finally got it............its really amazing to know these words
Dynalyn on May 16, 2015:
Wow it really helps tnkxczs ;)
geraldine on April 22, 2015:
So a lot! I just want to know what is lmao is. And i saw this site. So useful and knowlegable. Thank.
Kim on April 19, 2015:
Wow it really helps Thx
Raza on April 07, 2015:
Thanks for all the stuff. It really helps a lot...
567 on March 25, 2015:
fyi...for your information
fyki....for your kind information
myb...mind your business
RoCkStAr on March 12, 2015:
I was searching for imao,rofl and sup....... finally got it
suganya on March 11, 2015:
Super ji thx
Guest on March 10, 2015:
Awesome it help me
Natasha on February 24, 2015:
This is great,
thanks for helping my fingers instead of typing alot
Anand on February 18, 2015:
thanq -thank you
saisil on February 04, 2015:
It's cool
The Geek on February 01, 2015:
I have some more to add:
CUL8R- See you later
KIT- Keep in touch
Zaya Firdaus on December 25, 2014:
Thanks for this great help
anonymous on December 14, 2014:
Why is there no WTF ? It is like the 2nd most commonly used in the world since LOL is the first...
WTF - What The Fuck
Chandni singer on December 07, 2014:
Graat help for me thanxx LOL
Alanna Fox Starks from Detroit, Michigan on October 22, 2014:
Thank you so much for this, bookmarking it! I have seen several of these and had no idea what the person was saying... I responded with random letters back until they could type in English. ALOL!!! =^..^=
ADU on October 11, 2014:
Johnf151 on August 12, 2014:
I just like the valuable info you provide in your articles. I will bookmark your weblog and check once more here frequently. I am moderately sure I will be told lots of new stuff right right here! Best of luck for the following! cfdkdbkcedke
Aadi on July 31, 2014:
Its good....
gm on July 08, 2014:
jeffi Junaid on June 30, 2014:
Ohhh well!its g8 it vll help me a lot.Basically the thing people don't hv the tym to type full word...so this gud for me well!nw i can understand wot they intend to say...Tblu:thanx buddy love you.....mention it....asap...
just somebody on March 13, 2014:
i dont feel dumb on the internet anymore
mahesh pant(me ! mahesh) on January 03, 2014:
thanx .!!!
this symbol help e tooo uch..!!
Tina on December 11, 2013:
rajesh on November 07, 2013:
very nice yr
holly on June 26, 2013:
nice some did something for me so I can understand what other ppl are saying
Tosif on June 18, 2013:
good work..this is new kind of dictionary ;)
Romit patel on May 03, 2013:
Awsum stuff
Koggy on March 25, 2013:
what then does mdll and kdll means?
Rando on February 25, 2013:
Where is BYBF ? Bang Your Best Friend
What Does Pff Stand for in Texting
Source: https://turbofuture.com/internet/Whats-The-Meaning-of-Lol-Lmao-Rofl-Brb-Afk-Ty-Thx-Np-and-Listing-of-Internet-Slang-and-Acronyms
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